Sept 2003: CALIFORNIA STATE LEGISLATURE PASSES GAY DOMESTIC PARTNER BILL to take effect on Jan. 1, 2005, the bill would give domestic partners the ability to --get health coverage under a partner's plan --get access to family student housing --refuse to testify against the other partner in a trial --apply for absentee ballots on a partner's behalf --take bereavement and family care leave --be exemptions from estate and gift taxes --make funeral arrangements --consent to an autopsy --donate organs a partner --might have to pay child support and/or alimony, --would be responsible for their partner's debts, --would have their partner's income factored into their eligibility for public assistance benefits, and --would be required to disclose their relationships to avoid nepotism and conflicts of interest. Two years ago, the Calif Legislature passed a measure giving domestic partners the right to --make medical decisions for incapacitated partners, --sue for a partner's wrongful death and --adopt a partner's child. California will be in the same league as Vermont in terms of the rights afforded gay and lesbian couples, They removed a provision that would have allowed domestic partners to file their state income taxes jointly.